Sunday, July 2, 2023

Collecting VS Scalping

 Recently I was asked where to go for info on collecting cars and to meet "like minded" peoples and immediately I discouraged the HW's forum and Discord and pointed out 2 collector groups on FB that are 110% anti-scalpers and dedicated to collecting. Now FB, sucks, end of story. However that is where they, the groups are. Now the official forum and Discord, are where you will only find certain info. No matter where you go, it has potential suck involved. The FB groups are the way to go if you simply collect and the out the door worth of the item so you can jam eBay is less. Now if you decide to join Discord or the forum, do not read the utter bullsh*t that pops up as each week adds new people bent on making cash, selling them HW's. It is a meeting place for scalpers and those who want to be the speculators of the scene and by that, use both definitions of the word.


Selling cars is what some people do and I even know those who sell while collecting. I have had negative interactions with scalpers in real life and to be honest, they talk the same on Discord and literally do the same thing, with SWAT-ing and bans. Going to great lengths to protect what you do to hustle cash is a sad way to live and it drags others down in the end. The FB groups simply don't put up with scalpers and rip-off artists and celebrate collecting as a whole and you know this by what they post and the comments that follow. One interesting thing to point out, far less people in the FB groups than the Discord and most likely official forum, that speaks volumes. 

Collecting VS scalping, both have their place, one is relaxing, one is chaos in a toilet bowl...

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