Sunday, January 15, 2023

Is The RLC Over Sold Now?


The RLC is less exclusive and more popular today with collectors and scalpers alike the world over, with mainstream media even taking notice. So with the introduction of physical redemption of NFT cars now a reality, is the RLC even worth being a part of? That probably is an easy answer for some and a bit more complicated for others, but for most the edge of exclusivity is waning with each coming year of the RLC and how it does memberships.

In the past you simply joined, got a car with button and patch, then later they added a second join date after a couple of cars had been sold and then it expanded to the scheme today, with fly by wire membership and the club car is a purchase unto itself. Scalpers for sure will prefer the "fly by wire" as it allows a purchase chance all year, rather than making a window they could be missing. 

Mattel is a business, making money drives new products, but a club that was founded on an exclusive nature, should be a remaining part of its existence today. In years past I had to exclude myself from the club due to finances, in those days Mainlines were off-limits as well. The club aspect is a bit lost in my opinion...

Production numbers of cars have risen, the actual membership is a fluid event that grows with every sale, you see the comments from fresh newcomers on Discord and the HWC forum, it is like an amoeba that grows and grows. Exclusive is less yet the demand grows like a pimple before a date, it is the tug of war with the ever growing world of Hot Wheels collectors. Without collectors, the scalpers would be cold, hungry and bored...

Photo Credit Mattel Creations

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