Tuesday, December 31, 2019

id Time Attaxi

This is fast becoming one of my favorite cars to race, a casting I never collected before the id series and I will be keeping an eye out for Mainlines in the future to add into the collection...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019

RLC Rewards Points Store Gets Stuffed

The Hot Wheels peoples added RLC exclusives today in their Rewards store today, having procrastinated seems to have paid off as I was able to snag a 240Z RLC exclusive from 2018 for $5.61 shipped, after redeeming points! This will be a great Christmas gift for a RLC member friend of mine who was not able to get the 240Z from this years sale.



Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 17th!

*Picture lifted from Mattel/Hot Wheels

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

RLC '82 Lamborghini Countach LP500 S

Good luck to all RLC members going for one of these nice rides, fingers crossed the website is kind to us today!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Shark Shifter

This is an in game exclusive I won during the latest Hot Wheels id Team Challenge, my digital Shifter collection grows...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

RLC Win!

The website is by no means fixed, it took me almost 10 minutes fighting the shopping cart, locking up between shipping and paying, locked up once in the pay screen. After battling the crazed HWC site I was able to get the confirmation screen staring me in the eyes. Woo Hoo!


RLC '55 Mercedes 300 SL!

The best of luck today for everyone trying to snag one of these fine examples of the '55 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, complete with opening gullwing doors!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

RLC Fail

Today the HWC site decided that I was not to have the Skyline and that is pretty much it. I waited far longer than normal to get out of the waiting room and when I had the purchase screen open upon adding to cart, the site logged me out. Signing back in to the HWC site and clicking the banner would not send be back to the waiting room, but to the purchase screen, where upon hitting the add to cart button, well, you know...
This lasted until the Skyline was sold out...

Friday, November 8, 2019

RLC Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR34 November 12th

This is going to move fast, good luck to everyone going for this piece of Hot Wheels history!

*Photo Lifted From Mattel/Hot Wheels

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2020 C Case Shortcard Finds?

Diecast Dude is a guy from Netherlands who has a YouTube channel and he recently found 2020 C case cars in a store in Belgium, take a look at some new designs and give this dude a thumbs up!

Link Below


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Mystery Machine Hauls...

                                                                   265 MPH Top speed!

Website Tuned Up?

I was able to snag one of the RLC Ford Raptor's this morning and while it took longer to leave the waiting room, the cart seemed to run smoother. Perhaps the Mattel people have got some bugs worked out?


Monday, November 4, 2019

Good Luck!

I am going to try for one of these, not sure how the site will work out for me, good luck to everyone!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

GameStop - Hot Wheels Collector Day

The 5 minute rule of picking 5 cars out of a fresh case was the set-up, however the store I went to only had 9 cases and 11 people were there at 9 AM when tickets got handed out. By the time 10 AM came around, an additional half dozen to 10 collectors rolled in.
I was the 2nd number called and my kid for a day was 3rd, we both had to purchase our 5 cars each, then we waited for a second go at the leftovers once all the numbers had been called. I was able to nab some of the exclusives, some personal favorites and 2 Mercedes-Benz Unimog Treasure Hunts, the kid and I both scored 1 each!
I would like to see GameStop adopt a format closer to how Kmart did it, I like getting the mail-in art card with a case, they are getting framed to hang in my collection room. At this event the cards and even boxes were given out with tickets and numbers being called, I thought that was kind of odd, but willing to go along.
If GameStop stocked mainlines at a price closer to Walmart and Target, they could justify having more than 9 cases at a collectors event.
In all I had fun, met other collectors and scored some cool cars and the mail in will be a great addition to the collection. Thank you to Mattel/Hot Wheels and GameStop for doing this for the collectors!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Walmart Legends Mission

Hot Wheels is doing a Legends vending truck stop at one of my hunting spots, I received intel on an A case dump bin that will arrive shortly before the event starts at 11AM.
I will be lurking in the shadows...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Target id Series MIA

Both of my local Target retailers have yet to stock the id series and online they have a minimum purchase amount...

*Image Brazenly Borrowed From Mattel/Hot Wheels

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kroger Buy In Complete And 1 More Mail In To Go

My 20 car Kroger buy in has been completed, next mass purchase will be the Collectors Day event scheduled for November 2nd at participating GameStop and ThinkGeek stores!

I Was That Close...

I had the Convention Custom VW in my cart and the site would not move past the shipping screen...

Good Luck!

*Picture Of Pink Custom VW Lifted From Mattel/Hot Wheels

Monday, October 21, 2019

Kroger Exclusives, GameStop Collectors Day

Today while out on the road I scored a couple of the Kroger exclusives from the Q case dumps you might be finding at stores near you during this mail in promotion, the Range Rover Velar and the Custom '56 Ford Truck, both are ones I had passed up on previously and then had to hunt a month later. I should have grabbed them when I seen them the first time, but for whatever reason I put cars back then get home and ask myself "why did I do that"?
After checking on Target on the way home from the days road trip I stopped in at my local GameStop and I spoke with Michael there and he confirmed the event was happening at the store on November 2nd as scheduled. We talked for a few minutes and I offered some suggestions like stock a few more cars, they sell themselves and maybe open an hour early to get tickets passed out, he said to check back for more details.
I am looking forward to this event and will be ready to hunt on November 2nd!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Dollar Tree Lightning Strike

While on the road today I dropped by a Dollar Tree in the area and scored another Morris Mini Super Treasure and Animated Series Batmobile Treasure Hunt, the gods were guiding me...

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

November 2nd? Will We Have A Collectors Day After All?

If the rumors are true, GameStop will be hosting a Collectors Day on November 2nd...
And the rumors get wilder with Think Geek stores also in the mix to host? According to a respected website, this will be the plan...

Read here for more information

Monday, October 14, 2019

No Collectors Day, No Convention, No Worries

Besides scoring the Bugatti Chiron, the Animated Series Batmobile Treasure Hunt and the Morris Mini Super Treasure Hunt, I nailed down the 442 Oldsmobile and Baja Bug to complete the Rally Series set, along with a couple of Hummer's from the Fast and Furious Off-Road series. The gods were smiling today!
I don't know if I will ever see the convention in my lifetime, however days like this make up for what I cannot do. The price of joining the Convention newsletter and tickets would mean I could maybe buy a car or 2. Maybe.
Today I had 3 cases to pop, 2 had some real nice stuff, 1 was so-so, but the fun of liberating cases was like a personal Collectors Day and those I will really miss a lot...

Dollar Tree Scores


Dollar Tree Case Raid x2

                                 2 cases at Dollar Tree were waiting for me and I scored!

Target Case Raid!

                            No Treasure Hunt, no Target Red Series, No Super Treasure Hunt...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

RC Car Score

I found this at a Walgreens in another part of the city and grabbed it, however the giant warning sticker sucks!

Monday, October 7, 2019

RLC Honda S2000

                    Let's hope the site works today and good luck to all going for one of these nice cars!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

RLC Day! Porsche 964 Is Go! - UPDATED

Best of luck to all RLC members today going for a shot at the Magnus Walker Porsche 964!*

*What a morning this has been trying to score one of the RLC Porsche 964's! I waited a little longer in the waiting room than usual, got to the sale screen and could not add a car to the cart, tried 3 times no luck. I started all over in a new waiting room, got to the sale screen, hit add to cart and was logged out. This was the start of the tug of war, signing out and back in, waiting room time and then I get a message saying only members could purchase! I was logged in and still got the message so I logged out and started over in my attempt at obtaining this Porsche 964. At least 5 waiting rooms were visited, multiple fails, messages of exclusion from forbidden zamac and forced log out/in's and an hour later, I got one. A friend who buys for her son had pretty much the same experience and by judging the comments on the HW's Collectors site, we were not alone..
Fingers crossed Mattel/Hot Wheels can get it fixed!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Barbie Is Going On A Trip

Sending this 60th Anniversary Barbie Corvette and some other cars to a collector friend in New Orleans, collectors helping out collectors!

The Circle Is Now Complete

I scored the Pandem Subaru BRZ from the Street Tuners Car Culture series at my favorite Walgreens last night! Every car in this series I pulled from this Walgreens, I love this store!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Baja Hauler!

For 2019 the Baja Hauler gets an open air box on the back, great place to stick wheels and axles until they are needed!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

RLC Porsche Sale Postponed

Hot Wheels has postponed the RLC sale for 1 week...

Friday, September 13, 2019

RLC Porsche 964!

On sale Tuesday at 9 AM Pacific time, this is an awesome example of the 964 in black. Good luck to everyone on getting one of these!


Monday, September 9, 2019

Walgreens Gotta Go Score

Walked into my local Walgreens yesterday for a road coffee/quick car hunt and this was sitting out in the open, waiting for a new home! With what was in the pegs, it was clear this store got a complete case of the Satin and Chrome series, including the Gold Gotta Go Chase. This particular Walgreens is one of my favorite hunt spots, they don't have a huge inventory but they seem to get some really cool cars.
I have pulled Treasure Hunts, limited Premiums and Walgreens exclusives from this location as well as an entire end cap display! I am lucky to have such a good location nearby and I shop there as often as possible!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

No Sponsorship Means Pick Your Races Wisely - New id Cars And The 510 Display Combo

I hopped on my id race app the other day and was greeted to new stuffs, cars and features alike and then it dawned on me, new cars? So I hopped on over to the OTD site and yes, new cars are available on Amazon. The display with the Datsun 510 is also there for $49.99, shipped if you do Prime.
Both will be here on or about the 5th...