Friday, December 28, 2018

Hunting Highlights

Yesterday while hunting I scored a 2018 Mystery Series 4 Bone Shaker Gold car and a #3 Silver car, as well as a Zamac Custom '67 Pontiac Firebird from a 2017 Q case. Walgreens lately has been helping out my collection and a local Dollar Tree for the 2017 cars...

Friday, December 21, 2018

Revenge Of Collectors Day

The December Collectors day was a bit of a let down but that is part of collecting. So imagine the smile on my face when I found 2 B cases on a cart at Walmart this morning. Both had been opened, both missing a car or 2, not sure as to which ones, but I did manage a Treasure Hunt out of each case and no luck on a Super T-Hunt this time around.

*At this time I am using a laptop that has no editing tools or Photoshop, so editing pics and vid are not easy to do until my workhorse rig is fixed. This video reflects my cheapness and raw attitude.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

To The Batcave

I was on a mission for work today and had 10 minutes to burn, so I ditched into a Walgreens that was not only close by, but on the way as well. The very first lady I see who was not with a customer or stocking a shelf I ask if they have any Hot Wheels and she says I am bringing them out now, which she was pushing a cart with a Q case end cap. I stalk her to the location she was tending to and after 2 minutes I was hunting. At the near bottom was a P case Batmobile Treasure Hunt. I have seen this happen before on one of those YouTube guys channels who does the case unboxing's. There was at least one other P case car, the VW T2 truck, the rest I already had and off I went with my score...


Monday, December 3, 2018

Coming Soon...

Kmart Collectors Day Pushed back to the 15th

Word floating about is that the Kmart Collectors Day scheduled for the 8th of this month has been pushed back to the 15th of the month.


The Humble Side Of Collecting

 My local Kmart is done...